Ep 9: Becoming a Teacher – Breakdowns, Breakthroughs, and Support Along The Way

In the next two episodes, Debora and I talk about the teacher training journey, where we can get held up, waylaid, thrown for a loop, lose our minds, and where and how we can support ourselves along the way.

If you are in the midst of your TT or newly out of training, I think you are really going to enjoy this show. We explore some cool ideas about how to “bring into the light” the challenges you may face, preparing, enlisting help and support, and what it means to stay committed to the path of being a teacher.

We are also looking for three types of teachers who would be interested in adding to this conversation:

  1. Those who are are just out of TT
  2. Those who are 1-5 years out of their TT
  3. And those teachers who are 5 years or more out of their TT

We are very interested in what you would say about the process of becoming a teacher, how it took shape during your TT and after, who shaped you, and what you learned about yourself. In essence, how has becoming a teacher changed you?

If you are interested in getting on the line with us and sharing your insights and your story, email me, Chantill, at thinkingpilatespodcast.com



P.S. Episode 10 we interview a wonderful new teacher who shares how becoming a teacher has literally changed her life. You’ll want to check that out too!



1 reply
  1. Chantill
    Chantill says:

    A big thoughtful shout to all the teachers who’ve listened to this episode of the TPP. We wanted to share a note from one of our listeners (with her permission). We are not alone…

    Letter to TPP:

    Hello Chantill,

    My name is Natalie Wilson and I am a new pilates teacher in Seattle, Washington. I just discovered your podcast tonight and am really looking forward to listening to each episode. It was difficult to decide whether to start from the beginning or skip around; I ultimately decided to listen to Episode 9 first since this is most relevant to me. You and your guest encouraged listeners to write in with their experiences so this is what I’m doing now.

    I discovered mat pilates in 2012 and really fell in love with it. I had recently quit my full time job as a social worker and found that pilates really kept me grounded and strong as a new stay at home mom. I ultimately enrolled in a year-long, comprehensive teacher training program in the fall of 2015. The only background in movement that I had at that time was being a hula dancer of many years. The first day of the program, I found myself surrounded by massage therapists, physical therapists, ballet dancers, aerial arts teachers, etc. Needless to say, from the moment I started my program up until the day I graduated, I have felt completely overwhelmed and out of my league in every single way. I constantly felt like I was being asked to drink out of a fire hydrant and to do things with my body that I could not do with ease. I believe I completed the program out of sheer stubbornness. There were many minor and major bumps along the way, including debilitating injuries and two deaths in my immediate family. I completed the program in February of this year.

    I found the most support from my peers and classmates, my instructors in the training program, and with staff instructors who taught at the studio. I found that people who did not do or teach pilates just could not possibly understand how challenging it would be to train in this way. This program was the most challenging and humbling experience of my life so far and I am extremely proud to have finished. I learned so much–not only about pilates and anatomy, but mostly about myself–how far I could push myself both physically and mentally. And more than anything–having been a long time perfectionist and over achiever–I learned how to be openly vulnerable and how to ask for help and support.

    I currently teach at 4 different organizations and I love each of my posts. Right now, I am enjoying settling back into a life where I’m not constantly studying and being tested, which is profoundly welcomed. I am also really enjoying the journey of discovering who I am as a teacher and what I bring to the table. Each of my jobs allows me the liberty to craft my own style and find my own voice. It’s been very positive so far.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story.



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