Ep 30: Geeking out w/ Anna Hartman – Wow! What?! That’s AWESOME!

Welcome to our 30th podcast! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to give you a peek into one of the most curious and beautiful brains I’ve ever…met? gotten to know? had the pleasure of learning from? All of the above I suppose.

Anna Hartman is kind of magical. She’s all heart and soul, but has a brain to match. An athletic trainer by education and practice 16 + years, Anna is a seeker and brings to the table a spectacular combination of thoughtfulness and excitement for understanding the body.

She’s is not only a Polestar trained Pilates teacher, she’s also a certified yoga teacher, and works deeply with fascial-oriented training, dry needling, and is currently studying visceral manipulation at the Barral Institute.

I’ve rarely met someone more integrative in their approach and as kind, humble, and ready to share everything she knows on the spot.

Trust me when I say you’re going to leave this podcast lifted up and ready to go!

Learn more about her teaching, training, and work here @ MovementREV. You can also visit her FB page here.

Ep: 29 – Digital Health Meet Joseph Quinn & Pilates Metrics

Big data and digital health meet Pilates.

Pilates meet big data and digital health.

Who’s responsible for this titillating and powerful introduction? Enter Joseph and Karine Quinn, owners of Real People Pilates in Berkeley, CA and founders of the new app for Pilates teachers by Pilates teachers Pilates Metrics, launching NOW!

Join me and my dear friend and colleague Joseph Quinn for a revealing, funny, and personal conversation as we talk about the future of Pilates, how we got our start under the same mentor, and just exactly how much you should tip when you eat out with kids.

Learn about how he — with the help of so many other wonderful Pilates teachers, enthusiasts, and professionals — is about to rocket us into the digital health arena and PROVE the validity of Pilates as a preventative health tool.

Laugh, laugh some more, get fired up and inspired, and laugh some more!

Pilates Metrics is going to change how we do what we do, and I’m betting that even if you’re not the “techy” type you won’t be able to say no to the long term power this app is sure to lead to.

You can also learn more about the Skillful Teaching unique Exercise Library that we created especially for Pilates Metrics. If you like what we’re about, you’re going to love the way we think about and teach Pilates. Get the details of our library HERE.

Did I do the right thing using the F word?

Last week I had a moment of very real panic about whether or not I’d put my professionalism at risk.

It started when I was composing the title for the latest Thinking Pilates Podcast. My first idea and gut instinct was to use profanity in the title. I typed it in. “No Fucking Around…”

Then I began to think about my podcast co-founder and frequent co-host. How would she feel about this? What are her sensibilities? She knows me enough to know it’s not about being vulgar. (I hoped.) 

I was actually starting to get a little sweaty at that point, playing out in my head the potential negative outcomes.

Then I thought about the teacher I’d interviewed for the podcast. Nah! He’d be fine. I’ve heard him use swear words while giving a workshop. This is his jam. (Or was it? It’s a bigger audience. Did that make a difference?)

I texted the teacher. “I’m playing with the podcast title and want to know what you think about this…”

Heart now racing, I stared at the phone.

Waiting. Waiting. Ping.

“I’m a profanity lover too, so I really love that title.”


After deciding that my co-host wouldn’t mind, I blasted it to the world.

That night I woke up a total mess thinking “What the hell have I done?! I just put that podcast out to everyone I know on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter! Jesus. What are people going to think?!”

I lied there thinking, worrying, and fantasizing about what was sure to be everyone’s outrage and embarrassment. I pictured who would be turned off. I imagined what they would say, why they would find it distasteful and unprofessional to the most egregious degree.

Then it dawned on me: who am I? Who do I present myself as a teacher, mentor, author? How to I present myself to people when I first meet them, when I teach them?

Oh, right! I frequently use profanity. I actually love the F word. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and myself AND using swear words is sometimes a way I express that. I’m also honest and authentic and not afraid to be who I am. AND I’m chalk full of fucking integrity and professionalism. I’m kind, caring, thoughtful, insightful, empathetic, and articulate. I’m even appropriately mannered (sans profanity — mostly) around children.  

I have 6 tattoos, ride a motorcycle, have cared for dying grandparents, birthed 2 children, supported my colleagues, donated money, hiked a volcano, made money, blown money, traveled the world with my family, studied, worked, studied, worked, written a book, been a newspaper reporter, owned four businesses, been a professional dancer, coached a kids soccer team and so much more.  

And I like to — occasionally — use the F word.

Did I do damage to my professionalism? Not from my point of you, but maybe from yours. I’m curious. In fact, I’m dying to know. 

Will you and others judge my professionalism because I put the F word in my podcast title? Will it make you not want to learn from me, know me, work with me? 

Here’s what else I’m wondering?

  • What is professionalism (to you) and are there gray areas?
  • How would you define it?
  • Have you thought much about it for yourself and how it impacts your success as a teacher?
  • Does the way you dress, do your hair, and keep yourself clean matter? To what degree? Where’s the line? (Would you fire a teacher who had consistent and pungent body odor? — It’s okay to laugh, but I’ve actually been in this situation.)
  • Do you swear at home, but not when you’re teaching? Why?
  • Do you want people to perceive you in a certain way? (Of course you do, but what way: according to your level of knowledge, success in business, by the way you look, by your religion, your morals, your toughness?)

Right now I’m feeling super grateful that some of you are reading this. It’s a blessing to have a platform to stir up the discourse (you might call it something else) in our profession, to share knowledge and grow as people and yes, professionals.

I hope many of you will share your opinion.

Oh, and the link that that podcast I was talking about is here.

With warmest and most sincere regards for your opinions (and professionalism) — Chantill


Ep 28: No Fucking Around – James Crader is the real deal

In all honesty, James Crader is one of the most exceptional teachers I’ve ever met (as can be seen by the fact that I’ve also written an article about him). I’m definitely nursing a teacher crush — no reason to deny it — that is based on more than our love of profanity (this podcast was originally called “No Fucking Around: James Crader is the real deal!”, which I still prefer) and not taking ourselves too seriously.

James is the kind of teacher who makes you want to be a better person and that, I think, says it all.

He is the owner of Evolved Body Studio in Gold River, CA and a champion of his students no matter if they’re professional athletes, which they are, or quadriplegic, which they are.

James’s teaching is rooted in his depth of knowledge, experience, and fundamental perspective as a myofascial release massage therapist. He brings intuition, kindness, skill, and critical thinking to bear on his work as well as a commitment to helping each of his students propel themselves to new levels of success, big or small.

Spend an hour with us and dive into topics like how perception shapes everything in our teaching, positive emotions shape perception, shifting your cueing to support self-discover in your students, and so much more. We chat about working with spinal cord injuries, being comfortable with our wrong moves and getting “no” for an answer — that beautiful field of opportunity that opens up when we don’t get things just right.

Learn more about James here: http://www.evolvedbodystudio.com/
Follow him on Instagram at: @project_move_u
Read articles by James here: www.pilatesintel.com

P.S. Our original podcast title “No Fucking Around: James Crader is the real deal”, although the absolute most honest and appropriate title, was changed for no other reason than it was decided on without the overt consent of this podcast’s sometimes co-host Debora Kolwey. And although she did not object to the title in the least the new one felt to me (Chantill) a more accurate reflection of the podcast’s original intent and our shared vision.

Read more about the very engaging and thoughtful conversation that took place on the ST blog and Facebook around using the F word in your work, here).